Typing Context in React
Problem: Context is not typed
I was using context and TypeScript was yelling at me.
"keyword">import React, { createContext, useContext } from "react" "keyword">const AppContext = createContext({}) "keyword">const useAppContext = () => useContext(AppContext) "keyword">export { AppContext, useAppContext }
Before I reveal the solution, let's look at the problem
The context is not typed. This is a problem because TypeScript is not able to infer the type of the context.
This is how I got TypeScript to infer the type of the context
interface MyContextInterface { name: string hobbies: Hobby[] }
## create a default value "keyword">for the context ```ts "keyword">const defaultContextValue: MyContextInterface = { name: "", hobbies: [], };
Finally, pass the default value to
"keyword">const MyContext = createContext
Next create the provider
"keyword">const MyContextProvider = ({ children }) => { "keyword">const [name, setName] = useState("") "keyword">const [hobie, setHobie] = useState
([]) "keyword">return ( {children} ) }
define a hook to use the context
"keyword">const useMyContext = () => useContext(MyContext)
export the context, provider, and hook as named exports
"keyword">export { MyContext, MyContextProvider, useMyContext }
wrap your App component with the a your context provider
"keyword">const App = () => { "keyword">return (
) }
this is how to useMyContext hook without having to pass props
"keyword">import { useMyContext } from "./MyContext" "keyword">const DeepChild = () => { "keyword">const { name, hobies } = useMyContext() "keyword">return (
) }{name}
{hobies.map((hobie) => (
- {hobie}
// programming, kiteboarding, surfing, running ))}
Celebrate, typeScript is now able to infer the type of the context! 😀
learn more about React Context
learn more about TypeScript
learn more about React
learn more about React Hooks